Online Records and Indexes
NYC Records Online
FamilySearch Vital Records Search
Plus a description of the collection of all Jewish records available on FamilySearch FamilySearchJewish. NYC Indexes of Birth/Marriage/Death/Naturalization
1908-1938 Index to 3-page NYC Marriage Application, Affidavit & License (not the 2-page marriage certificates)
NYC marriage index of 3 million marriage licenses from 1950 to 1995
New York State Genealogical Research Death Index: Beginning 1957
LDS Microfilms On Extended Loan in NYC
Kings and Manhattan Naturalization Images
Queens and the Bronx Naturalization Images
List of Registered Voters for New York City for 1924
JewishData Website has index/pictures of many tombstones
Search NYC Directories 1786 - 1923
Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, NY, 1897-1957. Microfilm Series T715. 8,892 rolls.
ACRIS: Automated City Register Information System (NYC Property Search)
Search Brooklyn Telephone Books 1909 - 1967
Brooklyn�s Old Tax Photos are Now Available on the 1940s Street View Website
One-Step Lookup Webpages by Stephen P. Morse
Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, NY, 1897-1957. Microfilm Set T715.
Brooklyn's East Midwood Jewish Center Archives
New Jersey District Court at Newark Naturalization Petitions
Available are all petitions for the years 1914 to 1945. An index to these records is available on italiangen.org.Library of Congress' Chronicling America: New York Newspapers Search
Passaic County Naturalization Records Search
Search the various databases of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (also known as the JDC, AJDC, and “The Joint”)
Search over 35,875,000 Historical Newspaper Pages from the USA & Canada
American Ancestors - by New England Historic Genealogical Society
Jewish Genealogy Indexing and Research Collective
FreeBMD offers Civil Registration indexes of births, marriages and deaths for England and Wales
Beit Hatfutsot: database containing thousands of genealogies of Jewish families from all over the world
Israel State Archives
Locate a Grave in Israel (by the Chevra Kadisha Forum)
Canadian Research
Passenger Lists Leaving UK 1890-1960
Passenger Lists Leaving Italy
Examples of Jewish Documents from Italian Archives
Search for Dormant Assets at Swiss banks
Slovakia & Environs: Genealogy Research Strategies
Search the Polish Archives
See a detailed explanation of how to search, by Michael Shade of Brighton, UK: here.Hungarian Society for Family History Research
Satu Mare Records, including:
Genealogy Indexer: Search historical directories, Yizkor books, military lists and school sources
Routes to Roots lists what records still exist for communities in Eastern Europe and what repository holds them
Sub-carpathia Record Search
Hungarian Society for Family History Research (Magyar Családtörténet-kutató Egyesület)
Maps of Europe in the 19th Century
Steven Morse's Brooklyn Genealogy Information Page
Tracing the Tribe - Jewish Genealogy on Facebook
Jewish Rabbinic Genealogy - גנאולוגיה רבנית on Facebook
Moreshes Chachmei America - Research and identification of rabbis and scholars in the early history of the United States and Canada
Hebrew blog on Jewish genealogy, focusing on:
- Rabbinic families over generations
- Jewish families from Eastern Europe
- Old Yishuv in Israel
- Mysteries and discoveries in the study of roots
Alei Zikoroin - עלי זכרון
Source Citation
Getting Started Right: Documentation for New Genealogists
Evidence Explained
Genealogists' Guide to Documentation and Citing Sources by Emily Anne Croom
Citations: A Guide to Creating Proper Source Citations by St. Louis Genealogical Society
Citation Machine
Holocaust Research
Yad Vashem
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Holocaust Survivors and Victims Database
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collections Search
International Tracing Service of Bad Arolsen, Germany
Shoah Connect - Reconnecting Families Separated by the Shoah
USHMM and Ancestry collaboration to index the names of individuals that were persecuted by the Nazis
Interviews, in Yiddish, of survivors
Online Encyclopedias
Searchable NY Metro Cemeteries Online
Maps of NY Metro Cemeteries
JOWBR Cemetery Inventory
- be sure to drill down and read the detail, as sometimes there are links to extranal websites with images (Debrecen, Hungary is as example)Jewish Cemeteries in Poland
The Bagnowka Project - Jewish cemeteries in Poland
Kevarim of Tzadikim in North America
Tombstones of Tzadikim throughout the Diaspora
Tombstones of Tzadikim
Mount of Olives in Ancient Jerusalem
Satu Mare Cemeteries
- Jewish Cemetery in Ste. Sophie, QC
Go to iVelt to see pictures of all the tombstones Yiddish World - http://www.ivelt.com/ (huge source of information)
Heritage Foundation for Preservation of Jewish Cemeteries (HFPJC), also known as Avoyseinu, restores cemeteries in Eastern Europe
Mitzvat Emet- Taking care of Jewish Burial Places in Eastern Europe
A Guide to Former Street Names in Manhattan
JewishGen Communities Database
JewishGen Gazetteer
Yiddishland: Countries, Cities, Towns, Rivers
The Genealogical Gazetteer (GOV) is a project of Verein für Computergenealogie
The GeoNames geographical database covers all countries and contains over eight million placenames
The Accidental Genealogist
Ancestral Discoveries
Blood and Frogs: Jewish Genealogy and More
Climbing My Family Tree
Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter
(going) The Extra Yad
Family History Tech: Leveraging Technology for Genealogy
Genealogy At Heart
Genealogy Just Ask
Geneaolgy Tools: Genealogy Software Tutorials for Mac & PC
Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, etc.
The Ginger Jewish Genealogist
The In-Depth Genealogist
Lara's Jewnealogy
Louis Kessler's Behold Blog
Yaron Pedhazur of מדור לדור Mi-Dor le-Dor / Generatree
National Genealogical Society Family History Conference Blog
Notes from a Family Tree Maker user
P. Y. Mund's Genealogy Blog
Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness
Binyamin Panteliat of תולדות ושורשים Toladot ve-Shorashim blog
UpFront with NGS - The Blog For The National Genealogical Society
זכור ימות עולם - Zechor Yamos Olam
על הצדיקים ועל החסידים - Al HaTzadikim v'Al HaChassidim
Jewish Roots Events
Board for Certification of Genealogists List of Educational Activities
BYU Channel: Past Webinars
JewishGen Learning Center
Legacy Family Tree Webinars — View them live or in the webinar library
Genealogy Conference Keeper
Genealogy Event Calendar
Webinar Calendar by Linda Debe
National Institute for Genealogical Studies
Virtual Institute of Genealogical Research
Webinars hosted by BCG — View them live or in the webinar library
coursera.org: On-line Courses (over 1500) that can be used to build and market the Jewish Genealogical Community
alison.com: On-line Courses (over 700) that can be used to build and market the Jewish Genealogical Community
National Societies Offering Recognized Periodicals
Avotaynu - always has something related to the IAJGS
The American Genealogist
National Genealogical Society
New England Historic Genealogical Society
New York Genealogical & Biographical Society
Beginners Guide To Genetic Genealogy (19 Lessons)
Facebook: Genetic Genealogy Tips and Techniques
Your DNA Guide
DNAeXplained: Genetic Genealogy by Roberta Estes
Kitty Cooper's Blog
Dana Leeds: The Leeds Method
The Genetic Genealogist by Blaine Bettinger